Artificial Intelligence and STEM undergraduates are concerned that studying their
needs and preferences is critical to initiating AI literacy competence because there is a gap
between the link of needs and preferences of user requirements. Many professionals and
practitioners believe that this century is described by its rapid information and communication
technology development with state-of-the-art- facilities in AI because these technologies turn
pervasive interactions, for instance, machine learning, deep learning, and mobile learning.
Further, in higher education, private campuses began to use AI-enabled technologies to leverage
students’ personalized learning and reduce their teaching and administrative work while offering
more learning support and interactive learner experiences. This phenomenon leads to higher
education in a new arena of AI in education (AIED). With these growing concerns over some
periods, the importance of literacy in numerous perspectives, for instance, information, visual,
media, computer, and digital are paying attention but not AI literacy. Hence, there is an urgent
need to investigate STEM undergraduates’ obstacles to learning in an AI environment and related
determinants to solve while enhancing their skills, knowledge, and wisdom in AI. Hence, this paper
intends to bridge the gap by mainly recognizing the significant contribution of AI literacy towards
teaching and learning in education. For that purpose, the main object of this paper is to observe
and document machine learners’ obstacles encountered during the AI learning environment and
their process without skills, knowledge, and wisdom of AI literacy. Also, it identifies available
opportunities for further development of hidden areas of AI literacy. However, significant numbers
of stakeholders attached to education are not well aware of how AI functions and opt for these
facilities in teaching, learning, and research. For that purpose, this study was carried out based
on a case study with a qualitative research design with 30 undergraduate students who follow
STEM programs in private campuses in Sri Lanka and are engaged in virtual learning
environments. As a result, the research findings reflected that AI literacy has significant values on
perceptions of the use of AI for teaching and learning, self-efficacy in learning AI, its causes and
solutions, interlinks, and benefits concurrently. Finally, the study recommends that examinations
and promotion of the power of AI literacy are equally important